The corporate identity of the JUNG gas station
In 2021, VDS developed a new corporate identity, produced and supplied advertising equipment for the Yug-Neftegaz gas station network in Dagestan.
The VDS team was tasked with creating a modern bright style of the Yug-Neftegaz gas station network, while maintaining the existing color scheme of white and red.
Brand name and symbol
First of all, we worked on the brand — simplified the name "Yug-neftegaz" to the abbreviation JUNG, giving it a short and memorable sound.
The brand symbol has taken a central place in the logo – the "drop" has received a more elegant and expressive design and is now placed in the form of a large volumetric overlay sign on the canopy frieze and pylon.
To give rigor and premium appearance to the stations, a dark graphite color was introduced. Accent red and graphite received their execution in the corrugated panels of the cladding of the control room building and the frieze of the canopy.
The developed architecture and design of the advertising equipment were successfully implemented at two sites of the JUNG network in Makhachkala and Kaspiysk by our dealer in Dagestan – VDS Kaspiy.