Rebranding of TEBOIL gas station network
In May 2022 LUKOIL acquired the Shell network of more than 400 gas stations in Russia and decided to develop it under the Finnish brand TEBOIL, which it has owned since 2005.
TEBOIL brand was created in 1934 in Finland and is widely known throughout the world for its high quality lubricants and fuels.
VDS company together with one of the leading Russian branding agencies carried out a global work on the adaptation of the current TEBOIL brand design for the Russian market, development of architecture and branding.

Gas station network debranding
The first phase in June 2022 involved the debranding of 243 Shell network stations to TEBOIL style in 36 days.
In the shortest possible time VDS organized well-coordinated work of the design office, Plant, trained installation crews, manufactured and supplied equipment and replaced the brand. In less than two weeks VDS went from design to shipment of products to facilities.
In the middle of June according to the results of acceptance of pilot debranded TEBOIL gas stations VDS team reached the level of even loading on the network debranding - 60 objects per week.

Design development. Design prototyping
In just one month with the synchronous interaction of VDS project team and TEBOIL team was developed and adopted a bright and dynamic style of TEBOIL gas stations in continuity with the style of TEBOIL network in Finland - retained the basic color palette of blue with red, which from afar attracts the attention of motorists.
In mid-July the first pilot TEBOIL gas station in a renewed brand style from VDS Company already started working in Moscow. Together with TEBOIL Team we went through the stages of development, approval, design, prototyping, production and installation at the first site in just 45 days.

Prototyping technologies. TEBOIL pre-series
Prototyping is one of the most important stages in the development of a new product, which includes the search for suitable technical solutions, selection and testing of materials. The prototyping stage allows you to find the optimal, expressive version of the design for the launch of serial production.
Pilot design stage of 11 gas stations allowed us to take into account all the wishes of the Сustomer and apply the best design and technical solutions to start serial production of branded equipment for TEBOIL network. We completely redesigned the design and glow of the frieze, adopted a recessed version of the logo, made changes to the pylon.

Mass rebranding
In October 2022, mass production of TEBOIL products, including a new 12-meter stele, started at the VDS plant. This product allowed the stations to stand out in the light noise of the city and break the car out of the stream. Training of installation crews was organized in order to organize work with alternate closing of the fuel dispensers, which allowed to rebrand the network without stopping the work of the gas stations.
In March 2023, VDS completed the rebranding of the TEBOIL network.

Integrated waste management
The branded TEBOIL equipment received during the network rebranding and debranding was environmentally recycled in accordance with VDS's resource conservation and waste management program.
The products were carefully delivered to the VDS sorting center in Smolensk, where our specialists disassembled the equipment and sorted the materials by type of waste. Further work on recycling and waste disposal was carried out by partner specialized licensed enterprises of the Russian Federation.
As a result of the resource conservation program, 97% of the total 174,4 tons of waste was recycled.