Rebranding Signal gas station network
Signal is a completely new fuel brand on the market not only in Tyumen, but also in Russia as a whole. At the beginning of 2023, the Signal team approached VDS with a request to create a bright and bold style of the gas station network.
The corporate identity and architecture were created in collaboration between the creative department of VDS and the Suprematika branding agency. This unique process of developing a new brand and design of gas stations in Russia is something that we are happy to share with you. We gathered narrow competencies and tried to solve the Customer's task as efficiently as possible.
Rethinking the familiar
In the fast rhythm of the modern world, it is important to be on the wave and catch even the most subtle nuances that portend changes. Today, the client is becoming the center of a new ecosystem, and all his desires and preferences are our compass. The human-centered approach allows us to decode every signal and request of our guests, creating a complete understanding of their expectations and needs.
Follow the signal
Usually, the gas station is positioned as a stop signal. However, this is the start signal for us. Where the journey starts. Where innovation starts. Where the road starts.
Industrial design and architecture
The bright pulsating brand has become a new point of attraction, the architecture of the building adopts the rhythms of the logo and becomes the pulsating button. Plastic on the stele and frieze — how circles on the water reflect and overflow sunlight.
Modeling and prototyping
Modeling and prototyping is an important process when creating a new brand or new advertising equipment. At this stage, the choice of colors, proportions, textures, glow is made, the correspondence of day and night views, readability and visibility of the sign is checked. We always implement a prototype design and a prototype technology in which you can make changes to products and improve them before the start of mass production.
Pilot of design and technology
The implemented station became the first pilot facility where the VDS Team worked out the design and technology. The first stage of the rebranding is a one—time replacement of pylons on the entire network — It was completed in July, 21 media pylons were installed at the facilities in 3 weeks.
The first gas station of the Signal network was opened in Tyumen, the oil and gas capital of Russia. The opening of the gas station was timed to coincide with the City Day — on July 27, the city recognized as the best in terms of quality of life by the rating of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the leader among the country's major cities in the "IQ of cities" index turned 438 years old.
The Signal case is one of the most striking in the VDS portfolio.
The boldness of positioning, the dynamism of architecture, the innovation of color solutions on hundreds of pages of accumulated material give confidence in the success of the new brand!
We thank the Signal Team for their trust!