Sales process of flagship facilities of the LUKOIL network
VDS Company completes installation of advertising equipment at two iconic facilities of LUKOIL network - a multifunctional highway complex on the M-12 Moscow-Kazan highway and a legendary gas station on the Leningradskoye highway in Moscow (former Agip).
These are the first LUKOIL network facilities realized in the new flagship style developed by VDS Company.
31. 07. 23

The flagship style reflects modern trends and tendencies of industrial design and architecture, creates an attractive image of gas stations and emphasizes their premium nature. Architectural plasticity, laconic and straightforward forms, well-thought-out ergonomics and practicality, which entailed an increase in the height of the canopy and building, undoubtedly make LUKOIL's facilities stand out in the competitive environment.
At the prototyping stage, VDS Company introduced new design solutions and technologies for the production and installation of an improved LUKOIL branded K-shaped canopy frieze.

A line of new generation navigation products was developed and implemented specifically for the new style. The design of the pylon, traffic schemes, entry-exit signs, navigation arrows is a continuation of the new flagship style - it is a new aesthetics, open structures, smooth forms.
In the gallery we share with you the photo material from the LUKOIL MFZ on the M-12 highway.